For one of the
actvities for the Farm Bureau trip they had a "Born to be Wild" dinner and entertainment. They said the entertainment would be really good. When we were at the pool earlier our friend told us what it would be. You will not believe this. The band is make up of people from the Eagles, Santana,
ToTo, Boston,
Lynard Skynard, Journey and
AAAAAHHHHH!!! I couldn't believe it. We were excited. When we got there a band from Chicago was playing and they were really good. We had
a lot of fun. We sat on the grass and listened to them for about and hour or so. The 1st pic is of them. Then we went inside for the main entertainment. The stage is just there and know one is up to it!! So when anyone would get close I just stepped in front of them. I was standing to the right of the steps right next to the stage. They would come right up to you and sing in your face and let you play their guitar and I couldn't believe I was there. Mike had to stand back
a little because he is taller but I stayed there for 3 hours having such a BLAST. It was cool because they played popular songs from each band. They ended with the best all time favorite song of anybody with any taste at all...."More Than a Feeling" by Boston. After ward we could go on stage and take pictures with them and talk to them. It was incredible.